Gerlinde BICHON
Gerlinde BICHONFounder & Business Owner

Gerlinde BICHON

Founder & Business Owner

Gerlinde BICHON

Resume and Professional Experience

Born in 1970 | General qualification for university entrance | Banker

Establishment and 5 years of management of a foreign department in a medium-sized company.

10 years of employment in the management department of a translation and interpretation agency.

Since 2009, management of Internationaler Sprachenservice.

"High-quality translations are not a luxury – they are vital for the success of export-oriented companies. Foreign languages are an indispensable communication medium in the era of globalisation. Furthermore, we most often succeed in preparing translations that do not give the impression of being a 'translated' text but read like an original version."


Our Employees

Your Advantage

We have established our own network of expertise with more than 100 highly qualified native speaker translators and interpreters. Each of our translators / interpreters is specialised in a specific area of expertise.


All employees are well-educated and possess the required linguistic and subject-specific qualifications.

Further Education

Continuous education is obligatory for our employees.

A good translator is like a valuable jewel

Business Trips Aboad

Business Trips Aboad

Language barriers regularly pose an obstacle. In this situation, our escort interpreting service is the perfect solution.

One of our experienced escort interpreters accompanies you and supports you in communicate. This way you can fully concentrate on your business and its further development.

Trade Fairs | Training | Negotiations of any Kind

Trade Fairs | Training | Negotiations of any Kind

Regardless of country - no matter if for one day or 3 weeks - we will go anywhere and support your language requirements.

Intercultural Competence

Intercultural Competence

In addition to linguistic competence, our team of native speakers also provides the respective cultural background and has intercultural competences, i.e. the ability to interact with other cultures successfully and appropriately.


Internationaler Sprachenservice


Our Working Method

Operating Systems

Operating Systems

We are familiar with nearly all current platforms (Windows, Linux, Macintosh).

Your Data

Your Data

You submit your documents to us in an electronic form which can be processed on almost all current programs.

Electronic Tools

Electronic Tools

Foreign Languages DTP
TM Databases

Internationaler Sprachenservice